Projecting Knowledge


Article: La multi-modalité de la lanterne optique et ses reflets dans le cinéma des premiers temps en France by Frank Kessler and Sabine Lenk

The article explores several optical lantern practices that were relevant to early French nonfiction cinema, such as the role of the lecturer, film genres, especially the travelogue, and the use of colour. This becomes apparent in particular when the historical exploration of early cinema includes the many forms of non-theatrical projections. Moreover, the article underscores the importance of intermedial relations in understanding the historical developments of media and argues that still and moving image projections should not be considered solely in terms of texts, but also as performances.

Green version here.












Frank Kessler and Sabine Lenk, “La multi-modalité de la lanterne optique et ses reflets dans le cinéma des premiers temps en France”, in: Carole Aurouet, Béatrice de Pastre, Laurent Véray (ed.), Revoir le cinéma muet en France (1908-1919). Paris: Les Éditions du Sonneur, 2023, 218-233.