Projecting Knowledge


January 2021 (online) | AAC – SPHM International Conference 2020 Media Trades and Professions (18th to 21st Century), Lausanne, CH

Panel Presentation:

The Emergence of the “Knowledge Populariser” between the Fairground and the Lecture Hall (1820s – 1890s)

Contributions by

Sabine Lenk (Antwerp University):
The Ellemberg family and the transfer of knowledge

Dulce da Rocha Gonçalves (Utrecht University):
From Professor of Magic to Science Popularizer: Mapping the performances of L.K. Maju between 1850 and 1886

Frank Kessler (Utrecht University):
Knowledge Popularisation in the Lecture Hall – and beyond: Gustave Le Bon

The panel was developed for the AAC – SPHM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2020 Media Trades and Professions (18th to 21st Century), June 4th to 6th 2020 University of Lausanne, Switzerland – which had to be postponed. The contributions to the conference were made available online by January 2021. Organized by Society for Media History and by the Centre for the Historical Sciences of Culture of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Lausanne.

Link to the panel in the conference website: