Projecting Knowledge


Article: Science between the fairground and the academy: The case of Dutch science popularizer L. K. Maju (1823–1886) by Dulce da Rocha Gonçalves

From the sensational ghost lecture of John Henry Pepper to Edison’s phonograph, and from illustrated astronomy lectures to the microscopic projection of the cholera bacillus, Dutchman L.K. Maju delivered popular scientific performances across the Netherlands, but also outside of its borders, an occupation spanning several decades. This article explores Maju’s transition from performing conjuring acts at the Royal Colosseum and at the Royal Polytechnic Institution under the title Professor of Magic to the King of Holland, to becoming a science popularizer, presenting a variety of scientific performances across a range of settings and audiences.
da Rocha Gonçalves, Dulce. 2020. “Science between the Fairground and the Academy: The Case of Dutch Science Popularizer L. K. Maju (1823–1886).” Public Understanding of Science 29 (8): 881–91.